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Sr. Rosemary Arrah,HHCJ


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Sr. Rosemary
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Middle/high school principal
Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus/ Handmaids Education and Social Services Cameroon
Sr. Rosemary Arrah holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theology/Education from College of Saint Mary Omaha, Masters in Degrees in Special Education and Educational Leadership from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She has a world of experience in literacy and learning, leadership, rich experience with technology and a passion to influence others for the common good. She is a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer for Parenting, Classroom and Early Childhood. With more than 20 years as a religious sister in the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus. As a positive discipline trainer, she adapts her experiences in the classroom, workplace, and human relationship to enrich her trainees. For her positive discipline is a daily life experience of respectful interaction and creating connections for a better world.
Sr. Rosemary lives and works in Cameroon and serves as a school leader for middle and high boarding school. Apart from her work as a principal, she promotes literacy in Africa and found Reading Drive For Africa, www.readingdrive.org.
She offers workshops for positive discipline in the classroom, parenting the positive discipline way, positive discipline in Early childhood. She is also available for workshops on School leadership, whole school literacy in African schools, and workshops for women in Christian women organizations.
Wosing- Bali
North West Region
Zip Code
Certification Workshop attended
Positive Discipline in the Classroom

Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way

Positive Discipline for Early Childhood

Empowering People in the Workplace

The art of Facilitating Positive Discipline