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Below you will find a comprehensive overview of our certification options:

Educator Level

Parent Educator

A Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator has successfully completed intensive training in person or online in Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way. Upon completion, they are encouraged to teach parenting classes using the manuals of experiential exercises and books from the Positive Discipline series.

Classroom Educator

A Certified Positive Discipline Classroom Educator has successfully completed intensive training in person or online in Positive Discipline in the Classroom. Upon completion, they are encouraged to use Positive Discipline in their classrooms using the experiential activities from the Positive Discipline in the Classroom Teacher's Guide and books from the Positive Discipline series.

Early Childhood Educator

A Certified Positive Discipline Early Childhood Educator has successfully completed intensive training in person or online in Positive Discipline for Early Childhood Educators. Upon completion, they are encouraged to use Positive Discipline in their centers using the experiential activities from the Early Childhood Manual and books from the Positive Discipline series.

Certified Parent Educators:

  • teach parenting classes.
  • may provide short seminars or introductory presentations on Positive Discipline parenting principles.
  • who are licensed therapists or coaches may integrate basic Positive Discipline principles into the framework of their practice.

Certified Classroom Educators: 

  • use Positive Discipline in their own classroom or school setting.
  • may facilitate Teachers Helping Teachers Problem Solving Steps with their colleagues in
  • their school setting or share about Positive Discipline in faculty meetings.
  • who are school counselors / school psychologists support their faculty in Positive Discipline implementation.

Certified Early Childhood Educators:

  • use Positive Discipline in their own early childhood classroom or child care center.
  • share and train other early childhood professionals.
  • may use the information to support parents.

Once certified, Educators / Facilitators are encouraged to join the Positive Discipline Association to receive support with facilitation and use of PD materials, deepen their understanding of theory and practice, and to enrich their use of PD in their families, classroom, child care centers, or other work settings. 


Trainer Candidate


Lead Trainer

A Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent, Classroom, or Early Childhood Educator who is a member of the Positive Discipline Association and would like to pursue our Advanced Training Certification Program.

For more information, click here.

A Certified Positive Discipline Trainer has completed our Advanced Training Certification Program to strengthen their understanding of Adlerian principles and their Positive Discipline facilitation skills. Certified Trainers facilitate Core Workshops including: Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline WayPositive Discipline in the Classroom, and Positive Discipline for Early Childhood Educators.

A Lead Trainer is a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer who takes a strong leadership role in the association through leading and contributing to Task Forces, serving on the Board of Directors, organizing Conferences and Think Tanks, providing professional development for members, and leading mentor groups. Lead Trainers facilitate Advanced Training. 

Lead Trainer

Criteria to become a Lead Trainer:

  • Must have maintained active status in the PDA for a minimum of 5 years at the Trainer level.
  • Taught at least 10 core workshops (TP and/or PDC), with required PDA evaluations submitted to PDA for each workshop.
  • Attended at least 3 Think Tanks.
  • Presented at Think Tank.
  • Mentoring experience such as: leading a mentor group, mentoring Trainer Candidates or other Trainers.
  • Had additional training in Adlerian philosophy — either through self — study, or by attending NASAP, ICASSI, or regional Adlerian training.
  • Contributed to the Leadership of the PDA (e.g., by chairing a project, actively serving on a task force, or the board for at least one year).

      Lead Trainer Emeritus

      The Emeritus Level of Membership is designed for Retired Trainers to stay active on the list serve and maintain their status without needing to offer core workshops or attend Think Tank.

      Available to Trainer Level members who: 

      • Are 60 years of age or older.

      • Have been Trainers level members of the PDA for six (6) or more years.

      • No longer intend to offer core workshops.

      • Most likely will not attend Think Tank

      For general questions, please email

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      Terms and Conditions

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      Fax: 1-855-415-2477 | E-mail:
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