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Certified Facilitators in China.  For questions please email

认证导师 Trainers

TP正面管教家长讲师 Teaching Parenting Facilitators

PDC正面管教学校讲师 Positive Discipline in the Classroom Facilitators

ECE 早期儿童教育讲师 Early Childhood Educator Facilitators

Certified Positive Discipline trainers and facilitators act  independently. They are not employees, agents or representatives of the Positive Discipline Association (PDA) nor have they been authorized to act on behalf of PDA. Certified trainers and facilitators shall ensure their activities comply with the applicable laws and regulations, and the PDA shall not assume any responsibility or liability arising from any facilitator or trainer’s non-compliance. 

这些通过认证的正面管教导师独立行事,他们不是Positive Discipline Association (下称“PDA”)的雇员、代理人或代表,也未被授权代表PDA采取任何行动。导师们应确保其活动遵守适用的法律法规,PDA不承担任何因导师不遵守法律法规而产生的义务或责任。
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