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  • Online via Zoom - Parenting Essentials for Parents of Toddlers and Preschoolers

Online via Zoom - Parenting Essentials for Parents of Toddlers and Preschoolers

  • 05 Apr 2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • 26 Apr 2025
  • 11:00 AM
  • Online via Zoom from Redmond, Washington

Parenting Class: Parenting Essentials for Parents of Toddlers and Preschoolers

Facilitator: Jennifer Watanabe/

Dates and Times:  Four Saturdays Starting: Saturday, April 5 from 10 - 11am Pacific Time

Location: Online via Zoom from Redmond, Washington

Cost: $75

Parenting Class Description:  

- Your child's behavior is too hard to manage.

- Your child does not cooperate.

- You feel so frustrated.

Have you been wondering how to make parenting easier and your family life better?

This 4-week class will meet on Saturdays. It will focus on ways to help your child be more cooperative and on ways to make parenting easier.

This program focuses on nurturing your child while guiding their behavior in a positive, relationship-building way.

You will explore new ways to:


*Reduce conflict due to personality differences.

*Identify the different temperaments in the family.

*Manage the differences. Examples: Introvert or extrovert, high or low energy, high or low intensity of emotions.


*Recognize the power of the word "listen."

*Use the Positive Discipline approach which is about being kind and supportive while teaching and guiding the child to do better "next time." In positive parenting discipline means to teach. Positive parenting is not permissive parenting.

*Help your child be motivated from "within" to be cooperative, not to have your child be obedient because they are afraid.

*Use your child's misbehaviors as teachable moments.

*Teach with encouragement.


*Use encouraging words and phrases that don't blame or shame.

*Be sure the message of love gets through.

*Give unconditional love messages: "I love you, AND I need you to do this or that..."

*Listen to your child about their feelings and their experiences.

*Speak in a calm manner, as much as is possible.


*Tap into your child's desire to have more peace in the family.

*Teach your child how to be respectful while working on a discipline issue.

These sessions will be live, not pre-recorded. You will be able to ask questions. Each session will conveniently meet on Zoom. You can choose to be on or off camera. You don't have to get dressed up, and you may not need a babysitter.

The registration fee is $75 for four sessions. You will receive the Zoom links once you register.

This is more than just a parenting class. This class will be presented using a coaching approach. You will get encouragement and guidance as you begin to use what you have learned. There will be extra Zoom meetings available so you can get answers to your questions in between classes.

Recommended: Positive Discipline Workbook E-book. This is workbook is included in Jane Nelsen's online participant package which includes download versions of the participant materials and some sample videos.

This program will be facilitated by Jennifer Watanabe, a Child Behavior Consultant, Parent Educator, and Parent Coach. She helps parents help their children. For 24 years she taught parenting classes for Bellevue College in Washington state. She has taught hundreds of Positive Parenting classes to hundreds of parents how to help their children. She teaches and coaches in a respectful, non-judgmental, and encouraging way. She is a Certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator and a Certified Parent Coach.

What parents have said:

This class "offers an approach that is from the heart and respectful. . . I've remained calmer as a parent."

"This has been a wonderful experience for me as a mom and as a person. "

"Learning about my child's behavior and his reasons behind it have helped a lot. "

"We understand our son more. I think he feels that and has responded by fighting less; he seems happier."

"I feel that I am more patient, [and I] yell less."

"I love this class. I have more self-esteem as a parent and feel more confident in myself."

And from a child, as told to the parent after the class, "I think I love you more."


Private one-to-one parent coaching is also available.

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